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Business Risk Manage as fun as playing game

Risk can cause your business to lose and exit the game. At the same time, if you win this game, it means you have the opportunity to increase your score in three key business aspects :

  1. Profitability (P)

  2. Customer Satisfaction (C)

  3. Business Growth (G)

If this were a game, only skilled players would win. It’s no different for business owners who must thoroughly understand their business to succeed and claim the reward at the end of the game.

If you’re ready to be a winner, let’s start playing the game of eliminating business risks together.

To understand business risk easily
Pic 1 : To understand business risk easily

In the image, you can see that the enemy has begun assembling an army, preparing to attack your castle. The first step is to defend yourself by building a moat, which slows down the enemy’s advance.

In business terms, the moat refers to Predictive Business, which uses data-driven technology to predict potential risks and find rational solutions to deal with them. The more capable your business becomes at Predictive Business, the wider your moat will be.

This means that risks, or enemies, will take longer to reach your castle or business. You will have more time to respond to the risk, strengthening your castle’s defenses to prepare for the attack. At the same time, you’ll have enough time to protect your commander, who represents the heart of your army and a critical weakness. In the business world, risk may not attack your strengths but instead target your weaknesses. For example, credit default risk occurs when a borrower cannot fully repay a loan or is already 90 days past due on payment.

This means that when your moat is wide enough, you’ll immediately recognize your business’s strengths and can assess how much you need to fortify your defenses. If the incoming risk is minor, investing too much in fortifying the castle might be a waste of resources. On the other hand, if you don’t understand your business’s real weaknesses, even a small risk can lead to the death of your commander, Or in business terms, your defeat and exit from the game.

Therefore it’s evident that the moat or Predictive Business is critical. It is the starting point for managing business risks, helping owners prepare to either eliminate or reduce risks they should not overlook.

Yet. We have another way to manage risk from Utilize Power Ladder X Nsarrows to implement predictive business solutions for your business.


If you want to improve your business into the Predictive Business like you have a wide moat to estimate your business risk situation. Do not hesitate to to reach out to Power Ladder. We offer a free 30-minute consultation tailored specifically to your business.

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